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杨雪, 硕士,讲师,澳门太阳集团官网大学英语第二教研室副主任。本科毕业于武汉理工大学澳门太阳集团官网英语专业,辅修工商管理专业,硕士毕业于武汉理工大学澳门太阳集团官网外国语言学及应用语言学专业,主修英语测试学。主要从事英语教学法及英语测试学研究;曾发表相关论文10余篇,编写教材两部,主持校级教研项目、校级开放型探究项目各一项,参与省级项目两项;曾获外研社“教学之星”微课大赛复赛一等奖,第四届中国外语微课大赛湖北省一等奖、全国优秀奖;主讲“大学基础英语”、“学科英语”、“英语国家社会与文化”、“英文报刊阅读”等课程。

Yang Xue

Lecturer of English Language

Email: snowyang999@163.com

Yang Xue, deputy director of the second teaching and research office of college English, has been at WTU since 2006. Graduated from Wuhan University of Technology, she holds a B A of English and minor major in Business Administration, and a M A of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Master of Arts, specialized in English Testing. Her research interests cover English Teaching Methodology and English Testing, and her main publications include 2 textbooks and over 10 research papers concerning English Teaching Approach. She has presided two WTU research projects in addition to participation in two provincial research projects; and won the 1st prize of National Micro-lesson Contest in 2015, and the 1st prize of Hubei Province and the recognition award of the Fourth Micro-course Contest of Foreign Language in China. She mainly teaches “College English”, “Academic English”, “A Guide to English-Speaking Countries” and “Journalism Reading in English”.

