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柯细香,华中科技大学研究生毕业,硕士,副教授,硕士研究生导师, 隶属商务英语专业教研室。主要从事翻译及外语教学法研究,主持研究3项省级科研项目,3项省级教研项目和5项校级科研教研项目。任副主编出版国家十二五规划教材2本,发表学术论文30余篇。荣获2019年度香港桑麻基金会奖教金、荣获2021年度、2019年度及2017年度 “纺织之光”中纺联纺织高等公司产品成果奖二等奖、校级教学质量优秀奖和院级课件比赛二等奖。2021年度和2022年度所授课程案例入选澳门太阳集团官网“课程思政”优秀教学案例。2016年度和2020年度指导员工立项省级老员工创新创业项目2项。曾赴北京、西安、澳洲、南京和苏州研修主讲综合商务英语、商务英语视听说、英语国家社会与文化、学术写作与研究方法和学科英语等课程。


Ke Xixiang, MA, graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Business English Teaching and Research Section. Research fields cover translation theory and practice and teaching methodology. Publications include 2 National 12th 5-year Plan Textbooks and 30 research papers. Lead 6 provincial research programs and 5 university-level research programs; the winner of HONGKONG SANG MA TRUST FUND SCHOLARSHIP FOR TEACHERS; the winner of Teaching Achievements Prize by China Textile Association; the winner of  university-level Teaching Excellence Prize and the 2nd prize winner of school-level Teaching Courseware Contest;The course cases were selected as Excellent Teaching Cases on "Course Ideology and Politics"  by Wuhan Textile University in 2021 and 2022; guide students to chair 2 provincial college students' innovation and entrepreneurship programs in 2016 and 2020; further study in Beijing, Xi'an, Australia, Nanjing and Suzhou; mainly teach “Integrated Business English”, “Audio- Visual Oral Business English”, “ A Guide to English-speaking Countries” “Academic Writing and Researching” and “Academic English” etc .
